
Samples of 13 resins were mounted together with approximately ten, 1.5-2.5mm glass balls (VWR, Product number 332134Y) in individual 25mm diameter, 5mm deep, Al-rings. The remaining three; Araldite, Araldite rapid-set and Varian Torr Seal were mounted in Al-rings without the glass balls.


High mass resolution scans over mass 32

In order to determine the relative abundance of Sulphur in the resins a high mass resolution scan was performed using a Cameca ims-1270 at the University of Edinburgh using a 5nA, Cs+ primary beam with a net impact energy of 20KeV. Low energy (40eV window) negative secondary ions were extracted and detected by an electron multiplier. The mass resolution was ~4000.

Mass Scan 32 (210.93 KB / PDF)


  • The Konductomet, Probemet, Varain Torr Seal and the domestic Araldite all contain high and variable quantities of elements that could compromise the accuracy of a SIMS analysis and should therefore be avoided.
  • Petropoxy contains high F and B together with Na and certainly should be avoided if studying B isotopes.
  • Varian Torr Seal also contains high F and variable amounts of S.
  • Domestic rapid set Araldite contains an unacceptable level of S.
  • High Mass Resolution scans confirm that Specifix has high S content while Petropoxy contains P as shown by the 31PH mass displayed and high F as shown by the 13C+19F peak.
  • Only Transoptic has a low Cl content, the majority of the other resins contain high Cl concentrations that could compromise the accuracy of a SIMS analysis.