Field trips and fieldwork are at the heart of our programmes. We know that getting out into the world is essential for understanding how it works. As a student with us, you will have many opportunities to get your hands dirty during local or international field trips throughout your studies. The best classroom is the outside world, and we place a great deal of emphasis on delivering practical and field-based experiences. The locations and experiences of our field trips vary across our programmes, enriching you with a broad understanding of how the world works. These trips will take you beyond the lecture theatre, where you can gain valuable hands-on experience by applying what you have learned to real-life situations. You will be supported in using a range of field equipment, become skilled in data interpretation and undertake collaborative group work and presentations. You can find out more about the field trips and fieldwork involved throughout your degree programme on the degree finder. Degree Finder Field trip blog posts Our students share their field trip experiences on our student blog. You can read our students experiences of day trips, residential trips and virtual field trips. Student blog Geography field trip videos Featured Field Trip - Fala Moor MA Geography students from the University of Edinburgh travelled to Fala Moor, Midlothian for a unique field trip blending creativity with the art of geographical writing. The field trip explored the connection between landscapes, soundscapes, and storytelling, guided by acclaimed singer-songwriter Karine Polwart and composer and sound designer, Pippa Murphy. Soundscapes and Connections on Fala Moor Earth Sciences and Environment field trip videos Featured Field Trip - Discovery Bay, Jamaica BSc Environmental Geoscience student, Sarah, shares her experience of her third-year trip to Jamaica. The focus of this trip was to study the impacts of human activities on land and sea on the health of a coral reef environment. Through a series of hydrographic, chemistry, and ecological studies, students compiled data to understand the story. 14 Day Field Trip to Discovery Bay, Jamaica Ecological and Environmental Sciences field trip videos Field trip costs We do not charge extra fees for compulsory field trips or field courses. Due to the continued support of our generous alumni community, all costs of travel, accommodation and subsistence on compulsory field trips are covered by the programme, however, incidental/ personal expenses are to be met by the student. Our degrees involve a significant element of field study, and we are pleased to be able to support our students as they learn practical and highly prized skills. This article was published on 2024-07-01