Contact the Cosmogenic Nuclide Laboratory

Contact details and information on access to the Cosmogenic Nuclide Laboratory for staff, students and visitors.

The Cosmogenic Nuclide Laboratory is available for use by:

  • Students and staff at the University of Edinburgh ​
  • Students and staff from other universities
  • Other external users such as research bodies or commercial organisations

We have a full‐time laboratory technician, postdoctoral researchers and PhD students associated with the laboratory. 

If you are considering a project that would involve cosmogenic nuclide analysis, please speak to us!

Important information

  • Access is subject to availability.
  • Charges are set for analyses to recover costs through a model recognised by UK Research Councils. We offer a reduced rate for PhD research projects. 
  • Prices may vary depending on work involved. 
  • Prospective users should contact the facility to discuss requirements and costs involved. 
  • Staff and students within the School of GeoSciences must complete a technical request form.

For the wider University and all external users: 

  • Please contact the facility to discuss availability, as well as analytical requirements and charging information.  

For staff and students in the School of GeoSciences: 


Contact and location

For more information or to access our services, please contact: 

Dr Andy Hein  Senior Lecturer/ Laboratory  Manager


The Cosmogenic Nuclide Laboratory is in the Institute of Geography, University of Edinburgh.  The Institute is located in central Edinburgh, within the historic Old Town and close to Old College.

Address:  Institute of Geography, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, 1 Drummond St, Edinburgh EH8 9XP  

Campus maps and travel information

Additional facilities are located at our Kings Buildings campus, which is around two miles (3km) north of Edinburgh city centre.

Research facilities