Selected bibliography

We have a selection of recommended reading material which may help you understand tephra materials and electron probe microanalysis methods in more detail.

Abbott P.M., Bourne A.J., Purcell C.S., Davies S.M., Scourse J.D. and Pearce N.J.G. 2016. Last glacial period cryptotephra deposits in an eastern North Atlanticmarine sequence: Exploring linkages to the Greenland ice-cores. Quaternary Geomorphology, 31, 62-76.

Bourne A.J., Albert P.G., Matthews I.P., Trincardi F., Wulf S., Asioli A., Blockley S.P.E., Keller J. and Lowe J.J. 2015. Tephrochronology of core PRAD 1-2 from the Adriatic Sea: insights into Italian explosive volcanism for the period 200e80 ka. Quaternary Science Reviews, 116, 28-43.

Cage A.G., Davies S.M., Wasgegård S. and Austin W.E.N. 2011. Identification of the Icelandic Landnám tephra (AD 871±2) in Scottish fjordic sediment. Quaternary International, 246, 168-176.

Davies S.M. 2015. Cryptotephras: the revolution in correlation and precision dating. Journal of Quaternary Science, 30, 114-130.

Davies S.M., Wastegård S., Abbott P.M., Barbante C., Bigler M., Johnsen S.J., Ramussen T.L., Steffensen J.P. and Svensson A. 2010. Tracing volcanic events in the NGRIP ice-core and synchronising North Atlanticmarine records during the last glacial period. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 294, 69-79.

Hall M. and Hayward C.L. 2015. Preparation of micro- and crypto-taphras for quantitative microbeam analysis. In: Austin, W. E. N., Abbott, P. M., Davies, S. M., Pearce, N. J. G. & Wastegaard, S. (eds) Marine Tephras. Geological Society Special Publication, 398. The Geological Society, London.

Hayward C.L. 2012. High spatial resolution electron probe microanalysis of tephras and melt inclusions without beam-induced chemical modifications. The Holocene , 22 , 119-125.

Humphreys M.C.S., Kearns S.L. and Blundy J. 2006. SIMS investigation of electron-beam damage to hydrous, rhyolitic glasses: Implications for melt inclusion analysis. American Mineralogist, 91 , 667-279.

Hunt J.B. and Hill P.G. 2001. Tephrological implications of beam size, sample size effects in electron microprobe analysis of glass shards. Journal of Quaternary Science, 16 , 105-117.

Hunt J.B. and Hill P.G. 1996. An Inter-Laboratory comparison of the electron probe microanalysis of glass geochemistry. Quaternary International, 34-36 , 229-241.

Hunt J.B. and Hill P.G. 1993. Tephra geochemistry: a discussion of some persistent analytical problems. The Holocene, 3, 271-278.

Kuehn S.C, Froese D.G., Shane P.A.R. and INTAV Intercomparison Participants. 2011. The INTAV intercomparison of electron-beam microanalysis of glass by tephrochronology laboratories: Results and recommendations. Quaternary International, 246, 19-47.

Lowe, D.J., Pearce, N.J.G., Jorgensen, M.A., Kuehn, S.C., Tryon, C.A., Hayward, C.L. 2017. Correlating tephras and cryptotephras using glass compositional analyses and numerical and statistical methods: review and evaluation. Quaternary Science Reviews, 175, 1-44.

Morgan G.B. and London D. 1996. Optimizing the electron microprobe analysis of hydrous alkali aluminosilicate glasses. American Mineralogist, 81, 1176-1185.

Newton A.J., Dugmore A.J. and Gittings B.M. 2007. Tephrabase: tephrochronology and the development of a centralized European database. Journal of Quaternary Science, 22, 737-743.

Pearce N.J.G, Bendall C.A. and Westgate J.A. 2007. Comment on "Some numerical constraints in the geochemical analysis of distal microtephra" by A.M. Pollard, S.P.E. Blockley ans C.S. Lane. Applied Geochemistry, 21, 1692-1714.

Pyne-O’Donnell S.D.F., Hughes P.D.M., Froese D.G., Jensen B.J.L., Kuehn S.C., Mallon G., Amesbury M.J., Charman D.J., Daley T.J., Loader N.J., Mauquoy D., Alayne Street-Perrott F. and Woodman-Ralph J. 2012. High-precision ultra-distal Holocene tephrochronology in North America. Quaternary Science Reviews, 52, 6-11.

Timms R.G.O., Matthews I.P., Palmer A.P., Candy I. and Abel L. 2017. A high-resolution tephrostratigraphy from Quoyloo Meadow, Orkney, Scotland: Implications for the tephrostratigraphy of NW Europe during the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition. Quaternary Geochronology, 40, 67-81.

Van der Bilt W.G.M., Lane C.S. and Bakke J. 2017. Ultra-distal Kamchatkan ash on Arctic Svalbard: Towards hemisphericcryptotephra correlation. Quaternary Science Reviews, 164, 230-235.