NERC procedures and forms

Important information for applying for access including application forms and other essential documents.


  • Access is subject to availability.
  • Please note that after a project has been approved by the Committee and the applicant has received acknowledgement from NERC, there maybe a delay of up to six months before instrument time is available.  However, our facility staff always try to be flexible and meet the applicants time restraints.
  • It is important that the applicant contacts facility staff immediately after receiving the approval letter from NERC so that the access time can be discussed.

Publication and acknowledgement

  • As the facility receives support from NERC, any data produced from this facility must acknowledge NERC for their support.
  • All facility staff take an active interest in assisting and supporting visitors to the facility. There is no requirement or expectation for facility staff to become co-author on any publication unless the staff member was part of the initial science proposal. If, however, the visiting scientist wishes to acknowledge the support received, then the group name EIMF (Edinburgh Ion Microprobe Facility) maybe added as a sole co-author.
  • The Ion Micro-Probe Facility keeps a record of all Papers, Abstracts  and Thesis that use data obtained at the Facility.

Access the Publications database


The Ion Micro-Probe time is allocated in a block of eight hours (eg 9am-5pm) and charged at a rate depending on the funding body.

Information on costs for use of the Ion Micro-Probe facility