EPMA technical information

Find technical information including instrument specification and support equipment available. We have also provided information on sample preparation requirements.

The Electron Probe Microanalyser analytical capabilities, combined with data processing software, form a very powerful and cost-effective tool for academic and industrial research.

EPMA enables high-quality analysis of a wide range of materials. It has capabilities in fields such as Earth and environmental sciences, materials sciences, engineering, biological and medical sciences, archaeology, forensics, manufacturing, process and quality control.

You can find more information on capabilities, instrument specification and sample requirements under each of the drop-down menus below.


Support equipment

The facility also has the necessary support equipment:

  • Sample preparation including impregnation, cutting, grinding and polishing equipment
  • Carbon and gold coating
  • Reflected and transmitted light microscopes with photographic facilities for specimen documentation
  • Optical cathodoluminescence microscope
  • Other support equipment