Experimental X-ray Microtomography Facility

Our X-ray CT instrument was designed and built in-house to enable non-destructive 3D analysis of geological materials and for experimental applications. This facility supports in-house research as well as external and collaborative research.

In addition to the instrument itself, our laboratory has developed and is continuing to develop X-ray transparent experimental environments to enable experimental studies of at elevated pressure and temperature.

The instrument forms part of the Experimental Geoscience Facility.  This facility is a suite of laboratories equipped to support experimental investigations of physical, chemical and coupled Earth processes.

More details about our X-ray microtomography instrument can be found under the Experimental Geoscience Facility:

Experimental Geoscience Facility

Small Research Facility (SRF)

The Experimental X-ray Microtomography instrument is operated as a Small Research Facility (SRF).

A Small Research Facility (SRF) is a facility or service provided by the School and used for research and teaching.

They are also available for use by the wider community such as external academic or commercial use.  Our SRF's are available for hire or on a consultancy basis.  These charges are recognised by grant funders and can therefore form part of a grant submission.

Explore our Small Research Facilities (SRF)

Contact and location

For more on aspects of the X-ray microtomography instrument including the Experimental Geoscience Facility, please visit: 

Experimental Geoscience Facility 


The Experimental Geoscience Facility is located within the School of GeoSciences at the King's Buildings campus, University of Edinburgh. 

​​Campus maps and travel information