The University and networks

We work closely with key stakeholder across the University, to ensure cross-sectoral collaboration and sharing of knowledge and resources.

For larger multi-disciplinary programmes, such as the Industry Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF), for example, we work in cooperation with the University Edinburgh Innovations department for wider access to University expertise, facilities and resources. 

Key partnerships

Some of our key partnerships within the University include:

Bayes Centre

The Bayes Centre is the Universityʼs innovation hub for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. The Centre is part of the Data-Driven Innovation (DDI) Programme within the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal.

Bayes Centre website

Data Driven Innovation Programme (DDI)

The Data-Driven Innovation initiative aims to help organisations and all our citizens benefit from the data revolution.  It will increase the contribution of university research and in-demand graduate skills to the region’s economy, launching more spinout companies, attracting start-ups and established businesses, and driving public and private sector investment.

DDI website

Edinburgh Climate Change Institute (ECCI)

ECCI is an award-winning hub which brings together people from business, research, communities and governments to turn good low carbon ideas into reality. Hosted by the School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, it is the leading low carbon hub for Scotland and beyond.

ECCI website

Edinburgh Innovations

Edinburgh Innovations is the University of Edinburgh's commercialisation service. We benefit society and the economy by helping researchers, students and industry drive innovation. We seek opportunities, we build partnerships for mutual benefit, we make the journey easy, and we add value at every stage.

Edinburgh Innovations website

Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC)

EPCC is a supercomputing centre based at the University of Edinburgh. It has an international reputation for leading edge capability in all aspects of high performance computing (HPC), Data Analytics and novel computing.

EPCC website


EDINA is a world-class centre for data and digital expertise. They work with emerging technologies to transform innovative ideas into scalable digital solutions.

EDINA website

The Higgs Centre for Innovation

The Higgs Centre for Innovation brings together world-class research in astronomy and particle physics and the instrumentation expertise that underpins it, with business incubation facilities and laboratories suitable for commercial use.

The Higgs Centre website

UK Astronomy Technology Centre

The UK Astronomy Technology Centre (UK ATC) is a national centre of excellence for the development of scientific instrumentation and facilities for ground- and space-based astronomy. It is based at the Royal Observatory in Edinburgh.

UK Astronomy Centre website  

Further networks

We are also linked into wider UK networks for a host of activities.

SPRINT Space Research and Innovation Network for Technology  

SPRINT is the Space Research and Innovation Network for Technology, a unique partnership of top UK space universities, industry, government agencies and the investment community dedicated to supporting the growth of small to medium enterprises (SMEs) in the UK through commercial exploitation of space data and technologies.

SPRINT website

National facilities

The School houses an impressive range of facilities and services and is involved with a number of collaborative centres of research excellence. We also host and manage a number of national facilities on behalf of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)

School of GeoSciences facilities