Audrey Marti

Audrey shares her experience of studying the MSc Environmental Sustainability.

Name Audrey Marti
Programme MSc Environmental Sustainability
Year of graduation 2020
photograph of alumni

My time at university

I had a fantastic time, and the course was super interesting and challenging. The lecturers were outstanding, very supportive and accessible. My classmates were incredible too! Such a diverse range of backgrounds with varying experiences really enriched the course. A fond memory is the Postgraduate Ceilidh, it was great to see classmates, but also lecturers let loose and have fun! Another great memory is our inaugural trip to Aviemore - such a great way to start the course! It was inspiring and formed close bonds within the group/class.

My experience since leaving university

I am currently working as a trainee in Berlin for the CDP, applying many of the skills and lessons I learnt during my master's degree every day. Though our cohort had a bit of an unusual conclusion due to COVID-19, I will never forget my time at the University of Edinburgh.

My Covid-19 experience

It has made me a better autonomous worker and really developed strong self-discipline. I don't think it has changed my career goals much, but it has reinforced the importance of my degree and promoting sustainable development.

Alumni wisdom

Balance! I tended to stress quite a lot while I was at university, which admittedly made me work harder, but sometimes made the experience less enjoyable or led to me missing out on activities with friends or societies. I think that if I had had a better study-life balance, my grades would not have changed significantly, and I would have seen more of Scotland (a massive regret for me).