Costs for use

The Ion Micro-Probe time is allocated in a block of eight hours (eg 9am-5pm) and charged at a rate depending on the funding body.


Status Cost per hour Comments
NERC Scientific support and facilities (Direct access time) £0
  • Application from a UK scientist (excluding IMF Staff).
  • The application has to be peer reviewed via the Facilities Steering Committee.
  • Access does not need a NERC Grant and is usually less than 10% of the Facilities capacity (2-3weeks/year)
NERC Scientific support and facilities (Pilot study) £0
  • Application from a UK scientist (excluding IMF Staff) for work that requires one day (8 hours).
  • This application form is the same as the full application, but less detail is required.
  • One Day Applications are assessed by the IMF staff and provide rapid access to the facility for pilot studies and short projects. The Facilities Steering Committee discusses the applications during the Committee meeting in May.
NERC Scientific support and facilities with foreign (non UK) collaboration £75
  • UK scientist (excluding IMF staff) puts forward the application (PI of the application) but the science is partially funded by a non UK research body.
  • If a student's PhD is involved and the student's thesis is solely registered/awarded at a non UK university, then an invoice for 50% of the cost  (£75 per hour)will be sent to the PI of the application. The application has to be peer reviewed via the Facilities Steering Committee.
NERC Grant funded science £150
  • Facility time should be costed into the NERC Grant under "Other directly incurred costs".
  • The Direct Access route is not intended to supplement NERC grants.
  • The application has to be peer reviewed via the Facilities Steering Committee.
Analytical support for academic scientist £150
  • The academic must be part of a university.
  • Access is dependent on available time and subject to approval by Ion Micro-Probe Facility staff.
  • Additional charges may apply if an extended scientific report is required.
Service facility for Earth science / Geo materials  
  • Costs and access should be discussed with a member of the Ion Micro-Probe staff.
Service facility for other commercial work  
  • Costs and access should be discussed with a member of the Ion Micro-Probe staff.