Contact the X-ray Fluorescence Facility

Contact details and information on access to the X-ray Fluorescence Facility for staff, students and visitors

 The facility is available for use by:

  • Students and staff at the University of Edinburgh ​
  • Students and staff from other universities
  • Other external visitors such as research bodies or commercial organisations

Important information

Potential users of the facility should discuss requirements in advance of starting work.

Please contact the facility to request instrument time, as well as discuss analytical requirements and charging information.  


  • Access is subject to availability.
  • School staff and students are normally given priority.  Pricing and access the facility must be completed through a technical request form.
  • For the wider University, and for external users: work is taken on only by prior arrangement.
  • Our preparation laboratories are bookable in advance.
  • All analytical work will involve costs.  Sufficient funding should be in place before work starts.  Prices may vary depending on work involved. 
  • Prospective users should contact the facility to discuss requirements and costs involved. 
  • Staff and students within the School of GeoSciences must complete a technical request form.
Training and assistance
  • Undergraduate students, postgraduate students, and research staff prepare their own samples for analysis after instruction.
  • Students and research staff generally do not set up or calibrate the instrument but may be required to load and run samples, or to make standards for non-routine analysis.
  • Our preparation laboratories are bookable in advance. The sawing, crushing, and grinding facilities are also bookable, but a 'Permit to Work' system is in operation for health and safety reasons. Access is only allowed to permit holders who have received the appropriate training.
Sample preparation
  • There are requirements for sample preparation before analysis at the facility.  You can view them on our equipment specification and sample requirements web page.
  • A sample preparation service is offered to academic staff in the School of GeoSciences. Samples (as powders) must be accompanied by a request detailing the type of material and analysis required.
  • Equipment specification and sample requirements



For more information, or requests regarding analysis and use of facilities may be obtained by contacting:

Dr Nicholas Odling  Senior Research Associate


The X-ray Fluorescence Facility is located in Room 231 of the Grant Institute, King's Buildings campus at the University of Edinburgh. 

Please note that parking on campus is strictly by permit only. Commercial and external users should contact the facility about parking arrangements.

Campus maps and travel information