Access via NERC application

Find on gaining access to the facility, including application deadline, forms and feedback.


Application deadline

The application deadline for facility time is 5pm on Friday 25. April 2025.

  • The next Ion Micro-Probe Facility meeting is on Thursday, 22th May, so applications must have been received by 5pm Friday 25. April 2025.
  • Any late applications will be discussed at the next committee meeting.
  • Applications should be sent from the e-mail address of the PI and be a single text document less than 8MB in size in a Microsoft Word format.

Accessing the facility

There are three routes to access the facility.

In all cases an application form must be completed and submitted. 

Access is subject to availability.

1. Direct access to the facility via NERC scientific support and facilities

Access is through the completion of the Ion Microprobe Application Form and is free of charge. The proposal will be assessed by the Ion Microprobe Facility Steering Committee that meets twice a year. A successful project will be allocated facility time arranged between the facility staff and the applicant. After training, and with supervision, users will be expected to operate the instrument themselves. A successful applicant is required to sign NERCs Data Protocol agreement prior to starting work.

2. Access through NERC Research Grant Proposals

If a Research Grant Proposal submitted to NERC requires Ion Microprobe time, then this must be costed into the application under ‘other directly incurred costs’. The required ion microprobe work and the costs involved should be discussed with our facility staff before the Grant Proposal is submitted.

Following approval of the NERC grant, access for facility time is then made via the completion of the Ion Microprobe Application Form.  A successful project will be allocated facility time, arranged between the facility staff and the applicant. This ‘double jeopardy’ is justified in the NERC Policy and Processes Manual. After training, and with supervision, users will be expected to operate the instrument themselves. A successful applicant is required to sign NERCs Data Protocol agreement prior to starting work.

3. Pilot studies and short projects

For work that requires one day (8 hr), or for a pilot study, a shorter application is sufficient. This application form is the same as the full application, but less detail is required. One Day Applications are assessed by our facility staff and provide rapid access to the facility for pilot studies and short projects.


If a proposal is a re-submission, then an additional covering letter describing the changes made to the application in response to the Committee's comments is requested.

Important information for applying for access including application forms and other essential documents.

We have provided some essential reading materials to view before booking and using the Ion Micro-Probe Facility.

Find information on the role of the committee and its current members.

The EIMF has found that the most valuable feedback is obtained anonymously. To achieve this the facility will request feedback every year, but if you would like to make any comment now, please use the form below. The facility staff will respond, if a response is required. Alternatively, and more formally, you may contact the Chair of our Steering Group Committee.