Projects and scientific highlights

We have provided some highlights of research which used the facility.



PDF download

C. Macaulay

Silicon and Oxygen Isotopes in Lochaline Sandstone, Scotland.

Calum PDF (272.54 KB / PDF)

C. M. Graham, J. Valley, B. Winter and S. Kearns

Oxygen Isotope Analysis of quartz in sandstones.

Detrital Quartz (384.98 KB / PDF)

J.W. Valley, J.M. Eiler and C.M. Graham

Isotopic Analysis on Martian Meteorite ALH84001

Mars PDF file (468.9 KB / PDF)

D.P. Carrington and S.L. Harley

Cordierite-Melt H2O and CO2 Partitioning

Cordierite (258.49 KB / PDF)

S. Lewis

Mechanisms Of Metamorphic Fluid Flow In Marble

Steph pdf (144.38 KB / PDF)

N. Allison and A. Finch

Sr/Ca - SST Equations in Relation to Skeletal Architecture in a Porites Coral

Porites coral Nicky Allison (762.98 KB / PDF)

N.J. Cayzer and R.W. Hinton

An EBSD Study of the Damage to Zircon Crystals by U-decay and Implications for U/Pb Dates

Cayzer and Hinton (1.13 MB / PDF)

S. K. Appleby

U-Pb analysis of zircons: the Lochnagar Granite, NE Scotland

U-Pb (2.94 MB / PDF)

D.J. Schulze, B. Harte, J.W. Valley & D.M.deR. Channer

A carbon isotope, oxygen isotope and nitrogen abundance SIMS study of diamonds from Guanaimo, Venezuela.

Schulze (523.86 KB / PDF)

L. Robinet, C. Pulham, C. Hall, K. Eremin & S. Fearn

Understanding Glass Deterioration in Museum Collections through SIMS analysis.

Robinet (346.99 KB / PDF)

T. J. Ivanic & B. Harte

Application of the SIMS technique to analysis of Ni-in-garnet and its value in diamond exploration

Ivanic (82.25 KB / PDF)

B. Harte and J. Craven

Carbon Isotope Mapping and Diffusion in Diamond


K. Joy and R. Burgess

U-Pb Chronology of Lunar Meteorite NWA 4472

Lunar Apatites K.Joy (1.23 MB / JOY)

A. Burnham and A Berry

Zircon as a probe of the oxidising environment of magmas

Burnham Berry (226.54 KB / PDF)

N.N. Hanson & C.D. Todd

Using δ18O to assess the migratory route of Scottish two sea-winter wild Atlantic salmon

HansonTodd (103.4 KB / PDF)

G. Kilgour, J. Blundy, K. Cashman & H.M. Mader

Volatile contents of historical eruptions at Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand

Kilgour (573.69 KB / PDF)

C. Storey, J. Darling & K. Papapavlou

K-Ca dating in biotite

P.R. Hollyman, C.A. Richardson, & S.R. Chenery

Validation of annual growth ring formation in the statoliths of the common whelk, Buccinum undatum.