Research ethics and integrity​

Our reputation as an elite research-led institution is built on the high quality of research conducted by our staff and students. 

Research integrity means conducting research in such a way that allows others to have confidence and trust in the methods and the findings of the research. It relates both to the scientific integrity of conducted research and to the professional integrity of researchers.

The University of Edinburgh has a commitment to promote and facilitate the conduct of research ethics and integrity and has adopted the UK Research Integrity Office's Code of Practice for Research and the Concordat to Support Research Integrity. 

As one of seven Schools within the College of Science and Engineering, the School of GeoSciences is responsible for implementing ethics and integrity guidelines at a local level. 

For further information, please visit the following websites:

University of Edinburgh Research Office on Research Integrity

College Research Ethics and Integrity Framework

In line with the College's research ethics framework, our School attaches great importance to addressing the ethical implications of all research activities carried out by its members.  This includes undergraduate and postgraduate students, research associates or assistants, or academic members of staff. 

To maintain our reputation and the trust in the research we produce, as individuals and as an institution, it is important that research ethics and integrity are core considerations at all stages of research.


Promoting a culture of ethics and integrity

To build a culture of ethics and integrity within our School, our School Research Ethics and Integrity Committee provide a range of initiatives, including a regular seminar series and blog.  

Our seminars provide a space to discuss the ethics and concerns that arise in our research and wider academic experience. It provides a forum for bringing together staff, postdocs and doctoral students in GeoSciences (and beyond) to share experiences, propose solutions and thus do good research.

Our blog provides a series of reflections from staff within the School, in which they share what they really care about in their research, how they maintain its integrity, and advice they would like to share with others. This is an opportunity to hear what inspires and matters to us in our research. This series aims to celebrate the diversity of people and perspectives within our School and hope to widen our understanding of the many facets of research ethics and integrity. 

Contact and information


If you would like to contact us about research ethics and integrity or the conduct of any of our researchers, please email the Research Ethics and Integrity Committee Secretary.


Staff and students

Our School has developed an ethics process and assessment for all researchers. Information about this process and all other information and resources may be accessed by staff and students via our School intranet pages.

Staff and students wishing to access our School's Research Ethics and Integrity internal pages, please do so using the link below:

School Research Ethics and Integrity intranet