Single wind turbine, and a coal burning power plant with pollution and electricity pylons in the background

Our research is supported through three research institutes:

 We also host national and international centres and have established research links on every continent. 

University of Edinburgh Crewe Building, showing a two storey building with front steps surrounded by autumn trees

We are one of the largest interdisciplinary groupings of geographers and geoscientists in the UK, addressing global challenges to secure a more socially-just and environmentally sustainable world.

A male researcher in a wetsuit sitting atop a research sub being lowered from a ship into the sea

Find out more about our researchers and their individual research profiles.  You can search by name, by research institute or by research group.

Two men and a woman standing in a park and talking

Spanning the physical sciences, social sciences and humanities, we address major environmental and social challenges through our three broad research themes.

A group of University research students in a classroom talking and laughing

We offer a suite of research programmes in Masters by Research (MScR) and doctorates (PhD) across the physical and social sciences, and humanities.

Panel of world leaders at the 2015 UN Paris Climate Change Agreement Conference event standing and cheering

Find out how we are engaging with, and influencing the world for the better.  

Student working in industrial setting

We work with a variety of partners to support business goals through research, funded studentships, consultancy, knowledge transfer and commercialisation.

Two female scientists seated looking at computer monitors and surrounded by scientific equipment including Ion Micro-Probe

Explore our range of state-of-the-art laboratories, world-leading analytical facilities, field equipment and workshops.

We also host several national facilities on behalf of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). 

Image from the movie Jurassic World , where a T-Rex roars at a frightened crowd in a drive-in theatre

From New York Times bestsellers and documentaries with Sir David Attenborough through to Hollywood blockbusters - see where we feature!

Our School hosts a variety of research events for our staff and students.  We also run events, seminars and public lectures for a range of audiences, including external researchers, business and industry, and the general public.

Our School has a range of support services, valuing the contribution of our research staff as essential to delivering our high-quality research agenda.  We welcome all applications from independent researchers for fellowships.