Contact and access to the SIMS facility

Contact details and guidance on access to the facility for staff, students and visitors including costs and application information.

Anyone eligible to apply for a NERC Research Grant can apply for facility time. You can find guidance, application deadlines forms and more under 'access via NERC application' below.

Other scientists and commercial users may gain access to the facility for a charge.  If you would like to access the facility, please contact us directly via the contact details below. 

Facility staff are not eligible to apply.

Find on gaining access to the facility, including application deadline, forms and feedback.

The Ion Micro-Probe time is allocated in a block of eight hours (eg 9am-5pm) and charged at a rate depending on the funding body.

Current and previous staff members of the Ion Micro-Probe Facility and their contact details.

Contact and location

Additional information about the NERC Ion Micro-Probe Facility may be obtained by contacting us below.  

Ion Micro-Probe Facility   

  • Email:
  • Follow us on Twitter: @IonProbe and Bluesky:
  • Address: Ion Micro-Probe Facility, Grant Institute, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, James Hutton Road, EDINBURGH EH9 3FE

Cameca ims 4f Laboratory

Telephone: +44 (0)131 650 4850

Cameca ims 1270 Laboratory

Telephone: +44 (0)131 650 7864

Cameca 7f-Geo Laboratory

Telephone: +44 (0)131 650 5825


The NERC Ion Micro-Probe Facility (SIMS) is located in Room 112/113 of the Grant Institute,  King's Buildings campus at the University of Edinburgh. 

Please note that parking on campus is strictly by permit only, and parking spaces are subject to availability.  Commercial and external users should contact our staff about parking arrangements.  

Campus maps and travel information