Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometry (Wolfson Laboratory)

The facility supports in-house research, as well as academic and commercial services in palaeoenvironmental research.

The Wolfson Laboratory is located within the School of GeoSciences, at the University of Edinburgh.  

We are an established stable isotope laboratory and largely used for palaeoenvironmental research such as the analysis of skeletal carbonates (including annually-banded corals and clam shells, foraminifera, and ostracods) and deep-sea sediments.

The laboratory was partially funded by the Wolfson Foundation when it was set up in 1996. The facility now has two gas source isotope ratio mass spectrometers with automatic carbonate preparation systems.

Contact details and information on access to the facility for staff, students and visitors.

Our facility has two gas source isotope ratio mass spectrometers with automatic carbonate preparation systems. 

Small Research Facility (SRF)

Our Wolfson Laboratory is operated as a Small Research Facility (SRF).

A Small Research Facility (SRF) is a facility or service provided by the School and used for research and teaching.  They are also available for use by the wider community such as external academic or commercial use.  Our SRF's are available for hire or on a consultancy basis.  These charges are recognised by grant funders and can therefore form part of a grant submission.

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