Contact the Experimental Geoscience Facility

Contact details and information on access to the experimental geoscience laboratories for staff, students and visitors. The services provided are based on scientific collaboration and interaction with our facility's customers.

Our services are available to research students, postdoctoral researchers, fellows and academics. 

Experimental programs ranging from one-off pilot experiments and short visits through to long-term collaborative research programs, are supported. 

Access to the facility is available for users running funded projects established independently of collaboration with the Edinburgh facility, subject to agreement on experimental costs.

Our facility welcomes applications to act as a host for UK and European funded Research Fellows.

Important information

  • Access is subject to availability.
  • Access to our facility may vary depending on the laboratory and equipment used.  In some cases, access may be offered on a collaborative research basis, as a grant-supported pathway or through discussion with our facility staff.
  • We encourage you to view our laboratories and their use under our Facilities and equipment web page.
  • Facilities and equipment
  • Access to the laboratories is provided on a 'pay-as-you-go' basis, with full experimental costs subject to the diverse nature and duration of the experimentation proposed. 
  • Prospective users are required to contact the facility to identify overall experimental costs at an early stage of project development. 
Experimental X-ray Microtomography
  • The Experimental X-ray Microtomography instrument is operated as a Small Research Facility (SRF).  SRF's are available for hire or on a consultancy basis.  These charges are recognised by grant funders and can therefore form part of a grant submission.
  • For the wider University and external customers, please contact the facility to request instrument time, and discuss analytical requirements and charging information.  
  • Pricing and access the X-ray Microtomography instrument for staff and students within the School of GeoSciences must be completed through a technical request form.
  • School of GeoSciences staff and students pricing and technical request form 


Contact and location

Additional information about the Experimental Geoscience Facility including access to the laboratories and collaboration enquiries​ may be obtained by contacting us below.  

Dr Ian Butler   Senior Research Fellow in Experimental Geosciences


The Experimental Geoscience Facility is located in the Grant Institute, King's Buildings campus at the University of Edinburgh. 

Please note that parking on campus is strictly by permit only. Commercial and external users should contact the facility staff about parking arrangements.  

Campus maps and travel information