GREAT Cell research outputs and funding

Our laboratory has played an integral part of a wide range of industry and research council funded projects, leading to high impact academic papers, books and conference proceedings.

Funded projects

The GREAT Cell Laboratory gratefully acknowledges the following funding support:

GREAT (GeoReservoir Experimental Analogue Technology). Funded through the Sustainability Pot at the University of Edinburgh with match funding from Heriot-Watt University and the University of Göttingen, 2012 – onwards.

EPSRC Prosperity Partnership, Smart Pumping for Subsurface Engineering, EP/S005560/1, October 2018 – September 2023.

European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, FracRisk project (Grant Agreement No. 636811), June 2015 to June 2018.

Petrobras and Shell funded International Centre for Carbonate Research (ICCR) GeoMeChem project, March 2015 to September 2018.

We welcome scientific collaboration and are always happy to discuss new projects and experimental designs.

Contact details and access to the facility