Contact the chemical analysis facilities

Contact details and information on access to the chemical analysis facilities and services for staff, students and visitors.

The facility is available for use by:

  • Students and staff at the University of Edinburgh ​
  • Students and staff from other universities
  • Other external users such as research bodies or commercial organisations

Important information

Please contact the facility to discuss analytical requirements and charging information.  

  • Access is subject to availability.
  • Prices may vary depending on work involved and the particular facility you are interested in using.
  • Prospective users should contact the facility to discuss requirements and costs involved. 
  • Staff and students within the School of GeoSciences must complete a technical request form.

Information we require from you

Please have the following information prepared in advance if you are calling, or included in your email inquiry:

  • Contact details – your name, company or institution, address, telephone number and email address
  • Number of samples to be analysed
  • Mass or volume of sample available
  • Type of sample material/sample matrix
  • Source of funding for invoicing purposes

Providing us with as much relevant information as possible at the start will speed the process and make it easier for us to give you an accurate response.

We also recommend you review our range of analysis services, which include some information on sample requirements.

Analysis and sample preparation



For more information, advice or to access our services, please contact: 

Mr Gavin Sim  Analytical Services Manager

  • Telephone: +44 (0) 131 650 8532
  • Fax:  +44 (0) 131 668 3184
  • Email:
  • Address: Grant Institute, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, West Mains Road, EDINBURGH EH9 3JW 

School internal login:  School of GeoSciences staff and student pricing and technical request form 


Our chemical analysis facilities are located at the King's Buildings campus, University of Edinburgh. 

Please note that parking on campus is strictly by permit only. Commercial and external users should contact the facility staff about parking arrangements.

Campus maps and travel information