Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Facility

The facility supports in-house research, as well as provides academic and commercial services in Scanning Electron Microscope analysis for the Earth and environmental science community.

A chair and desk with 3 computer screens next to scientific equipment in the laboratory

The Scanning Electron Microscope provides high resolution (nm) imaging techniques together with compositional analysis and mapping. It supports a wide variety of diverse applications.

Our facility has a Carl Zeiss SIGMA HD VP Field Emission SEM and Oxford AZtec ED X-ray analysis and Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) system capable of providing imaging and analysis for a wide range of applications.

 We encourage you to view the instrument specifications and contact facility staff for more details. 

The Scanning Electron Microscope is run in conjunction with:

Together, they form a unique suite of analytical instruments within the Edinburgh Materials and Micro-Analysis Centre (EMMAC).  The facilities are located within the School of GeoSciences, at the University of Edinburgh. 

The Edinburgh Materials and Micro-Analysis Centre (EMMAC)

Contact details and information on access to the Scanning Electron Microscope facility for staff, students and visitors.

Find technical information including instrument specification and support equipment available. There is also a 360 virtual tour.

The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) supports a wide variety of diverse applications including secondary electron imaging, backscatter electron imaging, cathodoluminescence imaging and electron backscatter diffraction.

We have provided some additional information which you may find helpful.

Small Research Facility (SRF)

Our Scanning Electron Microscope Facility is operated as a Small Research Facility (SRF).

A Small Research Facility (SRF) is a facility or service provided by the School and used for research and teaching.  They are also available for use by the wider community such as external academic or commercial use.  Our SRF's are available for hire or on a consultancy basis.  These charges are recognised by grant funders and can therefore form part of a grant submission.

Explore our Small Research Facilities (SRF)