Contact the EPMA Facility

Contact details and information on access to the facility and tephra analysis for staff, students and visitors. Enquiries from those interested in obtaining data are also welcome.

 The Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA) Facility, including the Tephra Analysis Unit (TAU) is available for use by:

  • Students and staff at the University of Edinburgh ​
  • Students and staff from other universities
  • Other external users such as research bodies or commercial organisations

Important information

  • Access is subject to availability.
  • Please note that because of heavy demand for the facility, the schedule is normally full for up to 10-12 weeks in advance.
  • Time is allocated per day.
  • For many applications, the SX100 can be run in automated mode over periods of hours to days, without the user being present. Thus, after setting up the instrument, data can be generated continuously (depending on amenability of samples to fully automated operation).
Training and assistance
  • Technical assistance and support during use of the facility is provided during normal working hours. Internet access is available to clients throughout their stay.
  • For those attending the facility in person, training in the operation of the SX100 is provided for clients with all levels of experience and expertise. Most clients quickly gain familiarity with the main operations. 
  • After training, and by agreement with facility staff, suitably experienced users may operate the instrument themselves outside normal working hours. An emergency contact will be made available. 
  • A purchase order for the scheduled EPMA time must be emailed to our facility staff in advance of commencement of activity.
  • For external visitors and commercial users:  prices may vary depending on work involved.  Please contact our EPMA staff via the details below.
Sample preparation

For the wider University and all external users: 

  • Please contact the facility to request instrument time, as well as discuss analytical requirements and charging information.  

For staff and students in the School of GeoSciences: 


Contact and location

Additional information about the EPMA facility, the technique of EPMA, tephra analysis, sample format and preparation may be obtained by contacting us below.  Informal enquiries from those interested in carrying out analytical work are also welcomed.

Dr Christopher Hayward   Research Fellow in Micro-Analysis and Archaeometry


The Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA) Facility is located in Room 120 of the Grant Institute,  King's Buildings campus at the University of Edinburgh. 

Please note that parking on campus is strictly by permit only. Commercial and external users should contact the EPMA staff about parking arrangements.  One parking permit is available for Facility clients, and parking spaces are subject to availability.

Campus maps and travel information

Visiting the facility:

Chris Hayward’s office is Room 102. If you are unfamiliar with the campus, please call Chris Hayward from the main entrance of the Grant Institute upon arrival (a mobile number will be supplied when you make a booking).