Contact the ICP Analysis Facility

Contact details and information on access to the ICP laboratories for staff, students and visitors.

The ICP laboratories are available for use by:

  • Students and staff at the University of Edinburgh ​
  • Students and staff from other universities
  • Other external users such as research bodies or commercial organisations

Important information

  • Access is subject to availability.
  • Prices may vary depending on work involved. 
  • Prospective users should contact the facility to discuss requirements and costs involved. 
  • Staff and students within the School of GeoSciences must complete a technical request form.

For the wider University and all external users: 

  • Please contact the facility to discuss availability, as well as analytical requirements and charging information.  

For staff and students in the School of GeoSciences: 



For more on all aspects of the ICP facility including digestion and laser ablation, please contact: 

Dr Laetitia Pichevin  Senior Researcher in Palaeoceanography/Palaeoclimatology


The ICP laboratories are located in the Grant Institute at the King's Buildings campus, University of Edinburgh. 

​​Campus maps and travel information