Contact details and information on services available for staff, students and visitors. Services availableOrdinary (transmitted light) thin sections sizes 26x76mm and 51x76mm.Polished thin sections sizes 25x48mm and 1" diameter.Polished resin blocks, hot or cold cast, 1" diameter.Demountable fluid inclusion wafers 24x48mm.Blue dyed resin impregnation is available.Colloidal silica polishing is also available.Polished thin sections and resin blocks can be polished with either diamond or aluminium oxide compounds.Mineral separationWe offer the potential to separate minerals (e.g. apatite, olivine, zircon) from crushed rocks based on their density and magnetic properties.Important informationThe facility is available for use by:Students and staff at the University of Edinburgh Students and staff from other universitiesExternal users such as research bodies and commercial organisationsAvailabilityAccess is subject to availability.CostsPrices may vary depending on work involved. Prospective users should contact the facility to discuss requirements and costs involved. Staff and students within the School of GeoSciences must complete a technical request form.School of GeoSciences staff and students pricing and technical request form (secured) ContactFor more information or to access our services, please contact: Mr Kevin Dodds Thin Sections and Lapidary Facility ManagerEmail: Address: John Murray Building, The University of Edinburgh, Kings Buildings, James Hutton Road, Edinburgh, EH9 3FELocation:The Thin Section and Sample Preparation Facility is located in the John Murray Building, King's Buildings campus at the University of Edinburgh. Please note that parking on campus is strictly by permit only. Commercial and external users should contact the facility staff about parking arrangements.Campus maps and travel information This article was published on 2024-07-01