Contact the Scanning Electron Microscope Facility

Contact details and information on access to the Scanning Electron Microscope facility for staff, students and visitors.

The SEM is available for use by:

  • Students and staff at the University of Edinburgh ​
  • Students and staff from other universities
  • Other external users such as research bodies or commercial organisations

Important information

  • Access is subject to availability.
  • During normal working hours the SEM time is allocated in two blocks of four hours (9am-1pm and 1pm-5pm) .
  • The SEM is also available for use by experienced operators during the evening (5pm onwards) and at weekends, at the standard rates.
Training and assistance
  • Training and technical assistance is provided during normal working hours and, after training, users will be expected to operate the instrument themselves.
  • The charges cover all costs associated with the SEM such as carbon and gold sample coating and all technical assistance. However it excludes any additional sample preparation that may be required (e.g. thin section preparation).
  • Prospective users should contact a member of the SEM staff to discuss their analytical requirements and costs involved. 

For staff and students in the School of GeoSciences

For staff and students within the University

  • Information on costs is available within the School intranet under our SRF facilities
  • To book facility time, you must contact the facility directly.
  • SRF Facilities costs for use

For all external users

  • Please contact the facility to request instrument time, as well as discuss analytical requirements and charging information.  


Contact and location

Additional information about the SEM or the support facilities may be obtained by contacting:

Dr Nicola Cayzer  Research Fellow


The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Facility is located in Room 114 of the Grant Institute, King's Buildings campus at the University of Edinburgh. 

Please note that parking on campus is strictly by permit only. Commercial and external users should contact the SEM staff about parking arrangements.

Campus maps and travel information