Space and satellites innovation programme

The University of Edinburgh is a Space University, with researchers and staff working in an extraordinary range of space-related activities.

Group space satellite orbiting Earth and bright lights from the sun reflected on solar panels. Image elements furnished by NASA

For example: 

  • engineers are exploring the management of fire risk in space, and developing rocket fuel pods
  • chemists are developing clean-burn rocket fuels
  • geographers and geoscientists are monitoring environmental impacts, extreme weather and tackling climate change
  • astronomers are tracking the skies for space debris

We even have teams developing deep-space probes, and others writing literature about space!

SENSE - Centre for Satellite Data in Environmental Science

Our geoscientists are training the next generation scientists within SENSE - UK's Centre for Doctoral Training in Earth Observation. Our students are even developing their own satellite missions.

SENSE - Centre for Satellite Data in Environmental Science

The Bayes Centre

The dedicated Space and Satellites Innovation Programme is pulling together a team of Data-Driven Innovation (DDI) Space and Satellites Chancellor's Fellows and Business Development Executives as well as consultants with the goal to establish Edinburgh as the Space Data Capital of Europe by 2030.  

Bayes Centre DDI Space and Satellite Innovation Programme


Interview and podcast series

Space Podcast Series

Edinburgh: Space Data Capital podcast series

Why is Edinburgh is on course to become the space data capital of Europe?

Enjoy this podcast series where  Dr Murray Collins from the School of GeoSciences and journalist Kim McAllister reveal why Edinburgh is on course to become the space data capital of Europe. From satellite data to space robots and even landing on comets - they interview experts from across Scotland. Professors, business leaders and students share insights from their work in space and satellite technology in Edinburgh and across the world.

Scotland’s Secret Space Race

Scotland's Secret Space Race podcast series

This podcast series takes you into government departments, research labs, launch sites and even into orbit.  Dr Murray Collins and journalist Kim McAllister interview politicians, astronauts, space scientists and satellite experts to unveil the incredible innovation in Scotland.


Edinburgh - space data capital of Europe! 

Edinburgh is well on its way to becoming the space data capital of Europe. Why?

This short animation gives you just a flavour of the breadth of talent in Edinburgh involved in everything from robotics to AI and forest monitoring to landing on comets.

We wanted to share and promote the city’s achievements and our plans for the future. Space and Satellites is one of the ten core sectors of the Data-Driven Innovation Initiative, supported through the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal. 

The range of activity across the capital and its region is just astonishing - from intercepting comets as they enter the solar system to designing satellite components and robots to analysing big data from satellites to help save rainforests. 

There is huge potential in Edinburgh and throughout Scotland in the space and satellite industry - you don’t need to be an astronaut; you can work in robotics, astronomy, physics or environmental sciences, to name just a few!