Earth and Planetary Science Seminar Series

The Earth and Planetary Science seminars series is a regular opportunity to engage with a variety of scholars from around the world.

The seminars provide a forum for colleagues to share and learn about current research in global challenges relating to resources, natural hazards and the environment. 

Run by our Earth and Planetary Science (EPS) Research Institute, the seminars take place every Friday at 16:00 in the Grant Lecture Theatre. Talks from invited speakers are around 45-50 minutes followed by questions and then a drinks reception in the Cockburn Museum from 17:00.   

These events are free to attend and open to all staff, undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Previous seminars

You can view recordings of our previous seminars on our seminar video channel.

Earth and Planetary Science Seminar Series Video Channel

Upcoming seminars

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Seminars organisers

EPS Seminars Team


Research Support Officer

Eladio Figueroa


Staff intranet

More details about the seminars, including inviting speakers and organising travel arrangements, can be accessed via our staff intranet.

Login to School of GeoSciences intranet