Postgraduate Taught Welcome Week Events 2023/24

Find information about Postgraduate Taught Welcome Week events for 2023/24

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Details of your programme's welcome week events can be found below or in the UoE Events App.

Events for all Postgraduate Taught Students to attend

Event description Date Time Location Staff member
Postgraduate Taught Welcome Talk 12/09/2023 09:00 - 12:30 40 George Square, Lecture Hall A PGT team

Computing Induction

13/09/2023 10:00 - 13:00 Room 2.02, Institute of Geography, Old Infirmary Bruce Gittings 

Computing Induction 

For PGR students, but if you are unable to attend the morning session, you can come to the afternoon session.

13/09/2023 14:00 - 17:00 Room 2.02, Institute of Geography, Old Infirmary Bruce Gittings