Vacuum pump test

Test procedure and results for 2 hours, 24 hours and 3 months.

Cleaning Procedure

After cutting to a thickness of 5mm, the 25mm diameter disks were:

  • Washed
  • Ultrasonic Clean with 10% Decon 90
  • Rinsed with deionised water
  • Two Ultrasonic Cleans with deionised Water
  • Dried @50'C for ~2Hr

Test Procedure

Four examples of each resin (except Varian Torr Seal and the 'domestic' Araldites) were prepared immediately before pump testing following the manufacturers recommended cure time and the cleaning routine outlined above.

Four samples of each resin type were loaded into the vacuum test chamber and pumped by a rotary pump (Alcatel 2012) for 1 minute followed by the turbo-molecular pump (Pfeiffer TPH240). The vacuum recording started after a pump-down time of 5 minutes by which time the vacuum was around 1e-4Torr.

Four vacuum measurements were made:

  • Varian MultiGauge Thermocouple. The gauge output was only used to monitor the backing pressure and to confirm that the vacuum was suitable to start the turbo-molecular pump.
  • Varian MultiGauge Cold Cathode and/or Bayard-Alpert UHV gauge.
  • Thermo (VGQ), Residual Gas Analyser. The spectra were used to characterise the different resins.
  • Thermo (VGQ), total pressure measure. This vacuum measure was used to monitor the pump-down time.





Residual Gas Analysis

The residual gases within the vacuum chamber were routinely monitored during the pump tests. These gases, although not all identified, can provide a distinctive 'fingerprint' of the resins.

Discussion of Results

Comparison of the final vacuum achieved for each resin under the three test conditions is illustrated in our downloadable PDF document.

3 test comparison (18.32 KB / PDF)

The relative vacuum achieved has been calculated from the final vacuum recorded minus the base vacuum of the chamber. It demonstrates that after ~3 months the same vacuum maybe achieved that previously took 24hrs.

Epothin and ProbMet both performed well under all 3 test conditions.