Research fellowships

Find out about applications for a research fellowship, and ​how our Research Support Office can help you.

Our School recognises the value and contribution of research staff as essential to delivering our high-quality research agenda.

Maintaining our reputation for academic excellence is world-leading work, which is why we aim to recruit the best and brightest people to a range of roles each year.


Developing your research career: what we can do for you

We welcome all applications from independent researchers. We are committed to offering a rewarding and realistic career path.

As a research fellow in the School of GeoSciences, you can expect the following support:   

Research institutes

  • You will join one of our three research institutes as an academic staff member and line-managed directly by the Head of Institute. Each institute has an active seminar series that is open to all members of staff.

Our research institutes

Training and development

  • Our School will take your training and development seriously, whether you wish to continue in academic life or want to look to transfer your skills elsewhere.
  • For example:
    • Our School offers workshops and courses on topics such as grant applications, dealing with the media, assessing and presenting the impact of research.
    • We will provide you with opportunities to gain skills and practical experience in teaching and curriculum design (within the terms of your specific fellowship).
    • The University offers a range of support. For example, the Institute for Academic Development provides development opportunities for researchers and University teachers at all career stages and many free training opportunities.

  Institute for Academic Development 

Research Staff Hub

The University has developed a website that brings together information from across the University to support research staff to undertake their role, develop themselves and progress in their career. For more information about how the University supports Research Staff, visit the Research Staff Hub website.

Research Staff Hub


The University and School provide support and encouragement for entrepreneurship. For example, through our School's Business Development Executive, our hosting of the Edinburgh Climate Change Institute (ECCI) and the University's Edinburgh Innovations department. 

Edinburgh Climate Change Institute      Edinburgh Innovations

Further support

  • Specific independent research fellowships of around four to five years minimum length can be reviewed two years before the end of funding. That way, we can assess whether or not to offer a continuing employment contract after the end of the fellowship.
  • Fellowships of two years duration or longer that are externally funded to a salary point 30-36, will usually be supplemented by the School to start at spine point 37 (with normal annual progression beyond this) in recognition of the competitive and prestigious nature of such fellowships.
  • Fellowships of five years or longer will be prioritised during applications for a studentship (Home/EU and £1,000 per annum Research Training Support Grant), registered in the School of GeoSciences, in the annual studentship round managed by the School - subject to finding a high-quality applicant. Our School will support the fellow in developing the project and provide appropriate supervision, guidance and training.
  • Our School provides a high level of support in managing grants, including guidance on the various reporting and monitoring requirements.
  • Our School is committed to the highest Equality and Diversity practice standards, and we are especially keen to support women in academia. We hold an Athena SWAN Silver award.

Are you thinking of applying to work with us?

We welcome applications for fellowships.

Register your interest

To pursue one through our School, first - check for any demand management that might be in place for the fellowship scheme of your choosing. 

This can mean there are internal deadlines here that are long in advance of funder deadlines. If we have to select candidates in advance, the process should be listed below under the 'current calls' section below.

Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships 2025

The School of GeoSciences will not be supporting applications for the upcoming Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships deadline in early 2025.

However, other schools at the University of Edinburgh may consider proposals, so applicants are encouraged to apply through other departments if their research aligns with those areas.

Schools supporting the scheme: 

  • Business
  • Divinity
  • Edinburgh College of Art (ECA)
  • Economics
  • History, Classics and Archaeology (HCA)
  • Health in Social Science (HiSS)
  • Law
  • Literature, Languages & Cultures (LLC)
  • Moray House School of Education and Sport (MHSE)
  • Philosophy, Psychology and Language Science (PPLS)
  • School of Social and Political Science (SSPS)

Each School will set their own internal deadlines to select candidates to go forward to the Trust.  


A briefing session will be held to provide more information about the application process and deadlines. Details about this session can be found here: Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships | Edinburgh Research Office   


Current calls

Closed calls


These Fellowships provide support for outstanding early career researchers to make a first step towards developing an independent research career through gaining experience across international borders. Each award is expected to involve a specific and protected research focus with the award holder undertaking high-quality, original research. Applicants need to have conversations with the School's Research Grants Team about affordability and budget at an early stage to gauge feasibility before developing a full proposal. These schemes require a letter of support from the Head of School, applicants can obtain a starting template for the Head of School letter by making contact with the School's Research Support Organisation as soon as possible.


  • If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please contact Research Support and Research Finance by 21st February 2024.
  • The internal deadline to complete proposals for ERO review, and to submit their letter for signing is Friday 1st March 2024, 9am.
  • Funders deadline: 13th March 2024

Contact information:

Further information:

The Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships are three-year awards for researchers who have recently finished their PhD and have a proven track record of research. They cover salary and research expenses and aim to enable fellows to undertake a significant piece of publishable work and propel their academic careers.


Supporting your application

Please contact the School of GeoSciences Research Support Office. 

You must provide the following information so we can work out how best to support your application:

  • The name and deadline of the funding scheme you are interested in. In addition, whether you have applied to this funder before. This enables us to gauge how much help you need with the funder application system.
  • A forward/copy of an email or other short statement of support from the relevant Head of Research Institute, where they consent to support your application. This should be done in advance of contacting the Research Support Office. 
  • To help them assess you for their support, you should provide the Head of Institute with:
    • your CV 
    • a 1-page project description
    • note of the fellowship scheme that you are interested in 
  • A name for a contact person in the School of GeoSciences. This is usually another academic familiar with you or your research area and who can assist with your application.
  • Please check in advance if your application requires a supporting statement from the Head of School. The GeoSciences Research Support Office can coordinate the production of these letters. However, as it requires advance planning to fit with the busy schedule of the Head of School, it may need to be organised weeks before a funder deadline.

Contact the Research Support Office     Register your interest

You will also need to outline any financial or resource obligations not covered by the funding scheme that our School would have to meet should your application be successful. If this is the case, all such applications require the Head of School and/or the School Management Committee's approval in advance of submitting to the sponsoring body.

The Management Committee only meets monthly, so it is important to build plenty of advance preparation time for your application and notification to our School of your intentions.

Our School would not usually provide financial support where 50% or similar matching funds are required, but this is not completely ruled out.  If funds permit, or if the candidate is outstanding and the research is in an area of strategic importance, the Head of School may be prepared to consider an application.

Once you have notified our School

After you have contacted the GeoSciences Research Support Office about your fellowship application, it will be checked to ensure the School can support it. From there, we will assist you in preparing an application. You will receive details about how this is done after you have made contact.

What can we do after your application is submitted?

If you are applying to a scheme that has interviews or other assessments, it's important to let us know when you are invited to take part in them. We are keen to support candidates through activities such as mock panel interviews -  where experienced academics can provide constructive criticism and feedback to help you prepare.

It is also polite to let us know your application's outcome (good or bad). Unfortunately, funders do not always notify us, and so it is often up to candidates to tell us if they have been successful or not.

What happens if I am rejected?

Unfortunately, this can happen, but it does not have to be the end of the road. You are welcome to apply again (if funder terms and conditions allow this) and/or apply to other funding streams. We do not see feedback or criticism of unsuccessful applications from funders. Still, with your consent, if you are willing to share it, we can help you make other submissions and take care to address the feedback you were given.