Podcasts and radio

We regularly feature in radio and podcasts around the world. You can listen to our podcast series on space, or episodes where our experts are interviewed about geology, climate science, animal ethics or cities and the meaning of 'placemaking.'


We have provided some highlights below for you to enjoy.

Word of Mout h

BBC Radio 4 Word of Mouth: Words for Sale!

Chancellor's Fellow Dr Pip Thornton speaks to host Michael Rosen about how language has become an online commodity. (Released on Jan 23, 2024)

Scotland Outdoors

Scotland Outdoors: How to Winter Well

Professor Hayden Lorimer and colleagues from the University of Glasgow look into the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder and what can be done to improve winter depression. (Released on Nov 8, 2023)

Mind Behind Maps

Minds Behind Maps: Understanding Radar Satellite Images

Professor Iain Woodhouse joins host Maxime Lenormand to discuss radar remote sensing, sharing his experience in teaching and working in industry. (Released on Jan 15, 2023)

The Boma

The Boma: How to stop drought aid 'coming with the vultures'

Dr Gary Watmough joins Dr Guyo Roba, head of the Jameel Observatory, and Dr Stephen Mutiso from Save the Children to explain how the International Livestock Research Institute in Kenya can hone drought preparation through collaboration and action. (Released on Dec 7, 2022)

Woman's Hour

Woman's Hour: LeAnn Rimes, Professor Julie Cupples, Fiona Macintosh, Ebinehita Iyere, Professor Asma Khalil

In this episode of BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour, Professor Julie Cupples talks about what life is like for the women being held as political prisoners in Nicaragua. (Released on 11 Nov, 2022)

The Rest is Politics

The Rest is Politics: The Queen's funeral, United Nations and fracking

Got questions about fracking? Check out this episode of the Rest is Politics from 00:21:00, where Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart discuss the work of our very own Professor Stuart Haszeldine. (Released on Sep 21, 2022)

The Jameel Observatory

Data-driven innovation podcast: The Jameel Observatory 

In this podcast episode, Dr Gary Watmough talks about the Jameel Observatory - an international partnership based at the International Livestock Research Institute in Nairobi, Kenya. The Observatory combines local knowledge and concerns of those facing the threat of hunger with innovations in data science and humanitarian action. (Released on 15 Sept, 2022)

Edinburgh: Space Data Capital

Edinburgh: Space Data Capital podcast series

Enjoy this podcast series where Dr Murray Collins from the School of GeoSciences and journalist Kim McAllister reveal why Edinburgh is on course to become the space data capital of Europe. From satellite data to space robots and even landing on comets - they interview experts from across Scotland. Professors, business leaders and students share insights from their work in space and satellite technology in Edinburgh and across the world.

Scotland's Secret Space Race

Scotland's Secret Space Race podcast series

This podcast series takes you into government departments, research labs, launch sites and even into orbit.  Dr Murray Collins and journalist Kim McAllister interview politicians, astronauts, space scientists and satellite experts to unveil the incredible innovation in Scotland.

Financial Times audio feature

Will coronavirus reduce food's carbon footprint?

Professor Dave Reay is interviewed in this audio feature for the Financial Times sustainable food and agriculture special report. While coronavirus has hit the global food system hard, it also offers an opportunity for a long-term reset — including curbing agriculture's greenhouse gas emissions. How might that come about? And what can governments and consumers do to make sure it does?

Forecast: Episode 23

Forecast: Gabi Hegerl and climate science

Forecast was a podcast series about climate science and climate scientists by  Michael White, Nature's editor for climate science. It is archived for future listeners interested in looking back on climate science of the early 21st century.

For episode 23, Michael interviews Professor Gabi Hegerl, who has played a leading role in several Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Reports (IPCC), which is the internationally accepted authority on climate change.  

Geology Bites: Episode Rachel Wood

Geology Bites: Rachel Wood

This is a podcast series of conversations about geology with researchers making key contributions to our understanding of the Earth.  It aims to be accessible to curious listeners, even those who do not have much if any, scientific knowledge. 

Professor Rachel Wood is interviewed in this episode.  A Professor in Carbonate Geoscience, Rachel has uncovered fossils that suggest that the fuse of the so-called Cambrian explosion of life was lit in the Ediacaran, the geological period that preceded the Cambrian. 

Knowing Animals: Episode 150

Knowing Animals: Street dogs as nature with Krithika Srinivasan

Knowing Animals is a weekly podcast about all things related to animals and ethics, animals and the law, animals and politics, and animal advocacy. It features interviews with animal studies scholars and animal advocates. 

In episode 150, Dr Krithika Srinivasan is interviewed about her article 'Remaking more‐than‐human society: thought experiments on street dogs as "nature",' which appeared in the journal 'Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers'.

Open Stacks Podcast:  Episode - Placemaking

The Seminary Co-op Open Stacks Podcast: Placemaking with Timothy Cresswell 

In this episode, Professor Tim Cresswell joins the Chicago Seminary Co-op in conversations about placemaking and his book "Maxwell Street: Writing and Thinking Place", published by the University of Chicago Press.


BBC radio documentary features

Professor Hayden Lorimer has written and presented several BBC radio documentary features which are available online:

Against Our Ruin

Against Our Ruin

From the ruins of a modern architectural masterpiece, Hayden asks poets, thinkers and entropy tourists why we love fragments and scraps more than finished artworks.

Freeze: Thaw

Freeze: Thaw

Hayden explores a world of ice truths and ice dreams with poets, musicians, explorers, doctors and physicists.

The Perfumed Mountaineer​​​​​

The Perfumed Mountaineer

Hayden tells of the doubled life and times of Walter Poucher, renowned mountain photographer and master perfumer.