Find out about opportunities to engage and study with the Geographies of Social Justice research group. We are always interested in hosting guest speakers, so if you feel that your work is particularly suited to our interests, please contact us. Our group also hosts the Radical Geographers of Edinburgh (RAD.GE) reading group, which aims to provide an exciting and provocative space to discuss and debate papers from critical and radical geographers, broadly defined. Members usually meet up fortnightly during term-time and are open to staff, postgraduate students, and interested individuals from outwith the University. Visit the reading group website Postgraduate research programmes Several of our members supervise PhD projects. If you are interested in studying with us, please check out the opportunities or get in touch with specific staff if you are familiar with their work and want to discuss a potential project. Find out more about our postgraduate research programmes This article was published on 2024-07-01