Understanding the factors controlling fluvial and hillslope evolution

We investigate methods for quantifying how different incision and sediment flux laws impact the surface of the planet, and if topography can be used to infer these processes.

Researchers use a variety of methods, including involving instrumentation (for example seismic monitoring of sediment transport), numerical modelling and topographic analysis.

Land Surface Dynamics is also the birthplace of LSDTopoTools, a topographic analysis software package.    

Our work in dating surfaces and events is frequently done in collaboration with the Cryosphere group, and some of our researchers are also members of that grouping. 

Visit the Cryosphere research group

Current projects

Sounding out the river: a new system for monitoring bedload mobilisation and transport

Recording the onset and flux of sediment bedload in rivers is a missing component of our digitally enabled environment.   The mobilisation and transport of coarse bedload have a profound impact on the evolution of mountain rivers and the alluvial plains they feed.   We use real-time monitoring to test the science of bedload mobility and develop a new capacity to enable operational responses to evolving threats.

More information about the 'Sounding out the river' project 

LSDTopoTools topographic analysis software

LSDTopoTools is a software package for analysing topography.  Applications of these analyses span hydrology, geomorphology, soil science, ecology, and cognate fields.

The software began within the Land Surface Dynamics group and now has developers and users around the world.

View the software description View the open-source code View the software documentation


*Affiliated authors highlighted in bold

(2019) Detection of channel-hillslope coupling along a tectonic gradient. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 522, 30–39. 

*Authors: Hurst, M.D., Grieve, S.W.D., Clubb, F.J., Mudd, S.M.

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(2017) Detection of transience in eroding landscapes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 42, 24–41. 

*Author: Mudd, S.M.

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(2018) How concave are river channels? Earth Surface Dynamics 6, 505–523. 

*Authors: Mudd, S.M., Clubb, F.J., Gailleton, B., Hurst, M.D.

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(2020) Differences in channel and hillslope geometry record a migrating uplift wave at the Mendocino triple junction, California, USA. Geology 48, 184–188. 

*Authors: Clubb, F.J., Mudd, S.M., Hurst, M.D., Grieve, S.W.D.

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