Our group examines the physics and chemistry of the climate system, and its impacts on health. We investigate key processes and drivers in the atmosphere and climate system and predict present-day and future changes in climate, atmospheric composition and air quality. Our group has expertise in ground-based measurements and remote sensing, using models and observations to understand processes controlling past and future changes in climate and climatic extremes, constraining projections of the future with observations of the past, modelling atmospheric chemistry, and impacts on human health. The Earth’s climate and atmospheric composition have been changing since pre-industrial times. Changes are certain to continue because of lags in the Earth system and continuing emissions of short-lived and long-lived compounds that affect greenhouse gas concentrations and other climate forces. We study the physics and chemistry of the atmosphere, and the interactions between the atmosphere and the land surface using a range of models and ground-based, airborne and satellite measurements. We also study health impacts related to climate and air quality. Our research work informs high-level reports such as those from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the UN Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution. HTML profiles/feed/ {{#if script}}{{{script}}}{{/if}} {{#if css}}{{{css}}}{{/if}} {{#each group}} {{#if people}} Group members Staff {{/if}} {{#each people}} {{title}} {{firstname}} {{surname}} {{#if job}}— {{job}}{{else}}{{#if jobtitle}}— {{jobtitle}}{{/if}}{{/if}} {{#if KeyTerms}}{{KeyTerms}}{{else}}{{/if}} {{/each}} {{#if people}}{{/if}} {{/each}} HTML profiles/students/ {{#if script}}{{{script}}}{{/if}} {{#if css}}{{{css}}}{{/if}} {{#each group}} {{#if people}} Research students {{/if}} {{#each people}} {{firstname}} {{surname}} {{#if ThesisTitle}}{{ThesisTitle}}{{/if}} {{/each}} {{#if people}}{{/if}} {{/each}} This article was published on 2024-07-01
HTML profiles/feed/ {{#if script}}{{{script}}}{{/if}} {{#if css}}{{{css}}}{{/if}} {{#each group}} {{#if people}} Group members Staff {{/if}} {{#each people}} {{title}} {{firstname}} {{surname}} {{#if job}}— {{job}}{{else}}{{#if jobtitle}}— {{jobtitle}}{{/if}}{{/if}} {{#if KeyTerms}}{{KeyTerms}}{{else}}{{/if}} {{/each}} {{#if people}}{{/if}} {{/each}}
HTML profiles/students/ {{#if script}}{{{script}}}{{/if}} {{#if css}}{{{css}}}{{/if}} {{#each group}} {{#if people}} Research students {{/if}} {{#each people}} {{firstname}} {{surname}} {{#if ThesisTitle}}{{ThesisTitle}}{{/if}} {{/each}} {{#if people}}{{/if}} {{/each}}