Find information about opportunities for this fellowship, including application process and deadlines. Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowships aim to provide career development opportunities for those with a proven research record at a relatively early stage of their academic careers. More information can be found on the Leverhulme Trust's Early Career Fellowships website: Visit the Leverhulme Trust website The next call opens on 1st January 2024, with a deadline of 4pm on 22nd February 2024. The School of GeoSciences is operating demand management for this call. It will choose which and how many applications to support. This year, the School is particularly interested in applications from the humanities and social sciences. It will have a selection preference for fellowships in this area. However, submissions in all areas funded by this scheme will be considered. Application process The process for applying to this scheme through the School is below: 1 While it is not necessary to take this step, it would be helpful if you emailed the School Research Office as soon as possible, noting your intention to apply. In your note of intention, please indicate which research group(s) and institute(s) of the School you would like to be hosted by if successful. The School website provides information about the institutes and groups. Email: School website 2 The School encourages you to have an academic mentor to help you draft your proposal. You should identify, contact, and have an agreement for an academic mentor to help you with your application. If you know this at the point of sending your intention to apply, please include this. 3 By 10:00 am on Friday 1st December 2023 – Submit your application form to Download your application form here: Application form 4 During December, a School panel will decide who will progress to the full proposal stage and provide all applicants with feedback. The school panel aims to meet and make their selection w/c 11th December 2023 and the results should be available to applicants by 19th December 2023 at the latest. Applicants will then continue to work with their mentor and the Research Office in developing their complete proposal. 5 By 10am on Monday 29 January 2024 - For those applications chosen by the School panel, using the same "Application form" please provide an update of your submission demonstrating that you, along with your mentor, have considered and addressed the feedback received from the panel. Note that the panel will expect your application to be peer-reviewed by at least two academics by this time. Your mentor can help identify and contact these individuals. When submitting your form please provide a note of who has peer-reviewed your application. In addition to the updated application form please complete the Head of School Approval Questions form to assist the School in producing your institutional approval. Head of School Approval Questions form It is not necessary to send your academic CV along with your application. Please submit all your documents to for further panel review. 6 By 8 February 2024 - 5pm, applicants will be required to submit their complete application to the Leverhulme Trust's Grants Management System to start with the Institutional Approval process. Notes: When adding the Head of School email address to the online system please make sure you use the email: and not his personal email. When completing the online application form, please refer to the "Guidance for Applicants 2024" and the "Application Help Notes 2024". 7 By 15 February 2024 - You are required to submit the final version of your application to the Grants Management System for the last check and complete the institutional approval. After this date, applicants will not be able to edit the applications. Contact information If you have any queries please contact us via the School of GeoSciences Research Support Office email address: Contact us via email Further information relating to research can be found on our website: Visit the School research web pages This article was published on 2024-07-01