Our group brings together geographers, social scientists and humanities scholars from across the University. We are a diverse and growing community of cultural and historical geographers exploring how people, practices, and places relate. Our work encompasses historical inquiries into the archived past, interpretations of cultural landscapes, ethnographic studies of everyday experiences, and planning for low-carbon energy futures, sustainable environments and healthy communities. Whether theoretical or applied, policy-informing or practice-based, our research reflects a shared commitment to social, political and environmental engagement. Our researchers generate novel and meaningful interdisciplinarity forms in our conduct, fusing data collection and analysis in social sciences research, with interpretive skills and creative practices drawn from the arts and humanities. Beyond cultural and historical geography, we publish our writing and findings widely, in academic fields ranging from the environmental humanities and mobilities studies to the history of science and urban studies. Our group welcomes research partnerships and collaborations with cultural and heritage organisations, community groups, public bodies and creative practitioners, locally and internationally. Current collaborations include: Royal Society for the Protection of Birds National Library of Scotland Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Royal Geographical Society Somewhere EDI CIC Connected Places Catapult HTML profiles/feed/ {{#if script}}{{{script}}}{{/if}} {{#if css}}{{{css}}}{{/if}} {{#each group}} {{#if people}} Group members Staff {{/if}} {{#each people}} {{title}} {{firstname}} {{surname}} {{#if job}}— {{job}}{{else}}{{#if jobtitle}}— {{jobtitle}}{{/if}}{{/if}} {{#if KeyTerms}}{{KeyTerms}}{{else}}{{/if}} {{/each}} {{#if people}}{{/if}} {{/each}} HTML profiles/students/ {{#if script}}{{{script}}}{{/if}} {{#if css}}{{{css}}}{{/if}} {{#each group}} {{#if people}} Research students {{/if}} {{#each people}} {{firstname}} {{surname}} {{#if ThesisTitle}}{{ThesisTitle}}{{/if}} {{/each}} {{#if people}}{{/if}} {{/each}} This article was published on 2024-07-01
HTML profiles/feed/ {{#if script}}{{{script}}}{{/if}} {{#if css}}{{{css}}}{{/if}} {{#each group}} {{#if people}} Group members Staff {{/if}} {{#each people}} {{title}} {{firstname}} {{surname}} {{#if job}}— {{job}}{{else}}{{#if jobtitle}}— {{jobtitle}}{{/if}}{{/if}} {{#if KeyTerms}}{{KeyTerms}}{{else}}{{/if}} {{/each}} {{#if people}}{{/if}} {{/each}}
HTML profiles/students/ {{#if script}}{{{script}}}{{/if}} {{#if css}}{{{css}}}{{/if}} {{#each group}} {{#if people}} Research students {{/if}} {{#each people}} {{firstname}} {{surname}} {{#if ThesisTitle}}{{ThesisTitle}}{{/if}} {{/each}} {{#if people}}{{/if}} {{/each}}