Geography and the Lived Environment Institute

The Geography and the Lived Environment Institute is comprised of geographers and environmental scientists who study the social, cultural, political, economic and physical processes that create and reshape the world.

Our overarching goal is cutting-edge research that matters and makes a difference, intellectually and practically.  Our research is broad, interdisciplinary and diverse.   

As a collective, we draw on and contribute to the arts, humanities, the social sciences and the environmental sciences. We are always striving for a critical and ethical approach to understanding the world, and we work with communities near and far to achieve positive transformations in people's lives.

We work with a range of theoretical approaches, and our research is conducted in the Global North and Global South. 

We embrace a range of themes across geography, the geo-humanities and the geosciences, including:

cities and urban geographies mobilities health and well-being
food cultures media and new technologies data science and infrastructures
energy and post-carbon transitions environmental change and conservation writing and performing
race, gender and sexuality social movements hazards and disasters
political ecology animal studies  

Our research groups

Due to the interdisciplinary nature of our research, academic staff may belong to one or more groups across our School institutes.

The Cultural and Historical Geography research group brings together geographers, social scientists and humanities scholars from across the University. We are united by broadly interpretative and analytical approaches to environment, landscape, science, space and place.

The Environmental Change and Societal Transitions research group is an interdisciplinary group that explores the relationship between people, the environment and technology. We are keen to reach beyond individual disciplines to further understand the multiple origins and dynamics of environmental and social problems.

The Geographies of Social Justice research group aims to provide a supportive, exciting, and intellectually challenging space for critical scholarship.

The Population, Health and Place group supports researchers with broad interests in the relationships between place, health and well-being.