Our research institutes and groups

Our research is carried out across our three interdisciplinary research institutes. However, much of our research is cross-cutting and collaborative, enabling us to tackle complex global challenges. Each institute is also host to several research groups.

Our research institutes support our research themes and provide an underlying organisational structure for academic and research staff support.

  1. Earth and Planetary Sciences Institute
  2. Geography and the Lived Environment Institute
  3. Global Change Institute

Each institute manages a portfolio of funding and specialist facilities while creating and nurturing a community of research staff and students. They provide a forum for the development of ideas and collaboration, as well as an environment for training, development and mentoring of research students and early career researchers.

There are also a number of research groups within each institute.  Due to the interdisciplinary nature of our research, academic staff may belong to one or more groups across the institutes.

Each of the following research institutes is a major centre of expertise.

The Earth and Planetary Science Research Institute is united by a desire to understand the physical processes, properties and history of the planet on a fundamental level, which continue to shape the world in which we live.

The Global Change Research Institute is a grouping of over 200 researchers whose overarching mission is to understand past, present and future changes in the Earth system, and to inform mitigation strategies for future change.

The Geography and the Lived Environment Institute is comprised of geographers and environmental scientists who study the social, cultural, political, economic and physical processes that create and reshape the world.