UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships: Round 9

Details of the internal fellowship application process

Please be aware that this call it's being demand managed by ERO

UKRI have imposed caps on all Universities for this round. The University of Edinburgh can only support a limited number of applications. Only applicants with the backing of a host School will be eligible for the College's internal process. 

  1. Schools will undertake a demand management process to select their allowed number of applicants to nominate to a College panel.
  2. The College panel will then select some applications from across the College to be put forward for comparison with selections from the other two Colleges.
  3. The University panel will select their applicants from across the whole University who will receive support to complete a full application.

For information on the wider demand management process visit the Edinburgh Research Office SharePoint site:

ERO SharePoint site

For detailed information on the scheme, visit the funder's website:   

UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships: Round 9


Information session - 27 March 2024 at 11am

The Edinburgh Research Office will organise a virtual information session that will cover the main features of the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships Round 9 and more specifically the UoE process to select candidates. There will be a question-and-answer section, where participants can ask or submit questions in advance.  

The event will take place via MS Teams webinar on 27 March at 11:00 - 12:30.

Please register to attend:

Please register here


School of GeoSciences - Internal timelines


Express your interest in applying for this call by emailing the School Research Support Team with your name, project title, a short description of your proposed project, and your CV. 

School Research Support email address:

Please use the following CV template:

CV template

  Support Note 1          

by 21 March 2024      

Deadline for proposal submission to the School process via email.  Please see Support Note 2 for the template and format requirements.


Support Note 2       1 April 2024    
The School will make the decision of which application/s will be submitted to the College competition Support Note 3       w/c 8 April 2024      
Deadline for submission of proposal/s to College Internal process - the applicant/s chosen by the school will be given more information for this   22 April 2024  
College panel meeting   6 May 2024    
Deadline for submission to UoE internal process for applicants chosen by the College panel   13 May 2024     
UoE Panel Meeting   17 May 2024   
UoE internal deadline for draft Statement of Support to College   TBC
UoE Internal Deadline for Full Proposals- to be submitted to ERO submitter pool (including draft Institutional Letters of Support)   11 June 2024      
Full submission to UKRI   18 June 2024   

Support Notes

Note 1: This step is optional, but helps us prepare better support by gauging interest from applicants.

Note 2: Applicants should submit by email to GeoSciences Research Support the following documents: 

  1.  Proposal Application template
  2. CV (FLF format) CV template 

Note 3: By this date, the School will evaluate the applications and will decide which of them will be progressing to the College competition stage.


IMPORTANT: Prospective applicants should consult the School Research Office and their Research Funding Specialist throughout the application process.


Please note: Candidates cannot have any other UKRI Fellowship application under consideration at the time of submission to this scheme, unless expressly permitted in the other Fellowship call documentation. NERC will not announce their IRF call details until later in the year, but in previous years NERC has not made this exception and thus FLF applicants were barred from also applying for NERC IRFs.


Contact information

If you have any queries please get in touch with us via the School of GeoSciences Research Support Office email address:

Contact us via email

Further information relating to research can be found on our website:

Visit the School research web pages